8 Good Reasons To Become Vegan

8 Good Reasons That Will Convince You To Become A Vegan As Soon As Possible

The vegan diet is gaining great popularity, and for many good reasons! We see how the constantly growing global population is facing challenges to feed itself, but also how developing societies are learning that compassion is not only reserved for humans but all living things.

Those, and many other burning questions, veganism can answer with ease.

Coupled with a scientific and philosophical approach, the modern vegan diet can be very healthy, clean, and cheap too! Here we will present some of the most compelling arguments that highlight just how important and reasonable it is to become a vegan in the 21st century.

The Green Alternative

Scientific studies show that greenhouse gases from livestock account for about 14.5% of all emissions made because of humans. This is a huge number coming from just one industry and is rooted in the inefficiency of it. Instead of making food directly, using microorganisms or plants, we first have to produce food to grow that food.

And animals will use the given energy firstly on their bodily functions instead of direct meat growth, which is incomparable to how efficient growing plants is.

A Balanced Diet Without Meat

With each day, we learn more and more about how our human diet doesn’t necessarily have to include meat as long it is supported by all the other crucial ingredients, such as proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. In other words, substitutes and supplements that serve the same function in our bodies.

And when we look at one of the most needed constituents such as fatty amino acids, we notice that there are already many supplements on the market that successfully change active fish consumption to get the required omega 3 intakes. Luckily, plant-based supplements containing omega 3 are a present matter, and they replace fish consumption in total. So, if you’re looking to start a vegan diet but were troubled with the existence of worthy nutritional substitutions or you just don’t like the taste of meat (and especially fish), a future era of plant-based supplements is finally on the horizon.

A Question of Morals?

Since ancient times humans have argued back and forth whether it is morally just or unjust to kill and eat animals. The earliest attempts at this reasoning gave arguments on the immortal soul of all animals, humans included, that should thus not be harmed. Others argued that animals are irrational and should therefore not face the same moral standards as humans.

Today we are smarter and recognize that all sentient beings have feelings and should not be harmed. Especially on the grand scale of the killing industry, where the value of single life has been brought to a zero, we see how this practice is deeply inhumane and revolts those that have insight into it.

It’s Just Plain Healthier

You must’ve already heard how meat, especially red meat, is bringing more harm than good to the human digestive system and that some cancer types are actively connected to increased meat intake.

If you are one of, oh so many, individuals who are either deeply concerned about these undeniable cues or have predispositions to develop some of the health issues caused by meat consumption – there is no time to wait and see if the food industry will change its ways or our bodies will modify to enlarged meat modification.

On the other hand, the effect that meat has on our whole metabolism is constantly overwhelming – clogged blood vessels, high blood pressure, energy loss, and inert digestion, increased salt intake… just some of the many meat drawbacks that we regularly choose to unsee.

In The Eye of the Beholder

Being a vegan, besides being on an animal-free diet, means, most of all, stopping all animal exertion and cruel maltreatments. Therefore, you don’t need to wear expensive furs just to be noticed – there are other materials to keep you warm during cold days; you don’t need to wear expensive makeup that’s been tested on animals just to prove your status or improve your looks.

Instead, do a little bit of research on cosmetical, beauty, and clothing brands that are known to use animals in their tasting and invest in cruelty-free makeup, for example, as it’s cheaper and guilt-free as well.

Loss of Biodiversity

A staggering 60% of global biodiversity is already lost because of the expanding meat industry, not to add clothing and cosmetic industries too.

If we are to leave something to future generations, if we are to preserve the life’s standard that we have known, if we are not to see the impacts of our self-centered behavior for our lifetime, if we are to keep and save existing species – then we must act now and stop nature’s and animal’s exploitation. A vegan lifestyle is, for now, the only and ultimate way to save the future, not for those other species – but for us, human ones.

It’s Money Saver

Believe it or not, the vegan lifestyle and vegan products are not expensive, at least, not so much in comparison to buying more and more expensive meat. And we can see already, meat production is getting more and more costly as production of the food for the food is getting more excessive and limited.

Compared to that, vegan products “only” include plant-based renewable sources and a bit of chemistry (if mentioning chemistry makes you take a step back, just see how much chemistry there is in the meat you eat).

Easier Than Ever Before

It is, truly. There are many organizations, support groups, enthusiastic individuals who share their experience of becoming a vegan, how to transit easily and gradually (nobody said it’s a matter of days), and to testify how their life became better (that’s where everybody agrees).

With vegan products widely available everywhere now and the public getting less dogmatic and more and more aware of the much-needed change and vegan activism, there is literally only one factor left – your will.

Being a vegan doesn’t mean having a strict diet or setting ultimate boundaries and limiting yourself from comfort where we, humans, firmly believe that all the life around us exists because of ourselves. Quite the opposite, it means leaving the least carbon trail possible and it means more energy and more compassion to other species because it is actually another way round. You can find more information for your vegan lifestyle in this article from Proper Good.


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